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Atlantic Models Cold War Range in 1/350 Scale

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ATK 35021  HMS Edinburgh  Type 42 Destroyer  Batch 3

The Batch 3 or Stretched Type 42 Destroyer was designed to address the short comings of the earlier Batch 1 & 2 ships. Four of these longer versions were built, with HMS Edinburgh being the last to see service.

A decal sheet contains the names, pennant numbers and deck codes for all four of the ships of the class. Can be built as a full hull or waterline model.

Price £175.50 GBP plus postage

Now Available

This kit is of the Later Rothesay Class or Type 12M Anti Submarine Frigate from the late 1950s.  It has the modified larger raked funnel and has photo etched parts included in the detail set that also enables the ships from the RNZN and SAN to be modelled, such as the LW 02 radar and other antennas. The kit comes with decals for all the ships of the class. Resin and metal parts can be built as a full hull or waterline  model.

Price £107.95 plus Postage        Now Available

ATK 35023       HMS Rothesay     Type 12M (Rothesay Class) Frigate

ATK 35025      HMS Jutland     1943 Battle Class Destroyer  1957

This kit of the 1943 Battle class Destroyer is a standard fit ship as of the 1950s era. HMS Jutland and HMS Dunkirk were in this particular fit up until they were withdrawn in the early 1960s rather than going for AD conversion as were some of their sisters.

This resin and metal kit contains full assembly instructions, decals for all the ships of the class and a full photo etched detail set.

Price £129.95 Plus Postage   Now Available

ATK 35027   HMS Forth     River Class Offshore Patrol Vessel   (Batch 2)  

This kit is of the new type of OPV built for the Royal Navy to enhance the additional requirement to patrol, and maintain a presence in areas such as the Falkland Islands and West Indies.

The kit comes with decals for HMS's Forth, Trent, Medway,

Tamar and Spey

Resin and metal parts can be built as a full hull or waterline  model.

Price £93.95 plus postage       Now Available

ATK 350??      HMS Barossa   Battle Class A/D Destroyer  1965

Under Construction

ATK 350??  HMS Loch Killisport  "Loch " Class Frigate  

ATK 35022       HMS Torquay     Type 12 (Whitby Class) Frigate

This kit is of the Early Whitby Class or Type 12 Anti Submarine Frigate from the early to mid 1950s.  It has the modified larger raked funnel and has photo etched parts included in the detail set that also enables the ships from the Indian Navy and RAN to be modelled, such as the LW 02 radar and other antennas. The kit comes with decals for all the ships of the class. Resin and metal parts can be built as a full hull or waterline  model.

Price £107.95 plus Postage         Now Available

ATK 35024  HMS Yarmouth     Type 12M Mod (Rothesay Class) Frigate 

This kit is of the Later Rothesay Class or Type 12M Anti Submarine Frigate from the 1960/70s.  It is in the Modified fit with the hangar and flight deck for a Wasp helicopter. The kit comes with decals for all the ships of the class, and those of the South African Navy

Resin and metal parts can be built as a full hull or waterline  model.

Price £118.25 plus Postage  Now Available

ATK 35026  HMS Severn     River Class Offshore Patrol Vessel   (Batch 1)  

This kit is of the early type of River clas OPV built for the Royal Navy to patrol the home waters and carry out fisheries protection duties.

The kit comes with decals for HMS's Severn, Tyne and Mersey.

Resin and metal parts can be built as a full hull or waterline  model.

Price £89.50 Plus Postage      Now Available

ATK 35028      HMS Fearless  (Assault Ship)

This kit will be in Waterline format as it will be assumed that most

will be built in diorama form with the hull docked down.

This will also keep the price and weight regarding shipping cost at a reasonable level.

A lower hull and fittings will be available as a separate item for those

that wish to build a full hulled model.

ATK 350??      HMS Chichester Type 61 AD Frigate

Under Construction

ATK 350??      HMS Daring     Daring  Class Destroyer