Cold War Range Kits

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Atlantic Models Cold War Range in 1/350 Scale

ATK 35001       HMS Peacock         Hong Kong Patrol Craft

This model represents the vessels built by Hall & Russell in the early 1980s to serve in the Royal Navy as Hong Kong Patrol Craft. There were five ships in the class, these being HMS Peacock, Plover, Starling, Swift and Swallow. The ships

are still in service with the Irish (x2) and Philipinnes Navies (x3).

Kit consists of resin and white metal parts with photo-etched brass details

Decals Included for all the ships in the class.

Can be made as a full hulled or waterline model.

Price £56.75 GB Pounds plus postage

Now Available

ATK 35002  HMS Leopard   Type 41 AA Frigate  circa. 1958 to 1963

The Type 41 or 'Cat' Class of Anti Aircraft Frigates were ordered for the Royal Navy in the 1950s, with HMS Leopard entering service in 1958. There were four ships in the class, these being HMS Leopard, Lynx, Puma and Jaguar. They served mostly on the South Atlantic station but later became involved with the operations off Iceland during the 'Cod Wars'.  The last ship was withdrawn from service in 1978.

Kit consists of resin and white metal parts with photo-etched brass details.

Decals Included for all four ships of the Class

Can be made as a full hulled or waterline model.

Price £85.95 GB Pounds plus postage

Now Available

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ATK 35003  HMS Puma   Type 41 AA Frigate  circa. 1964 to 1970

The Type 41 or 'Cat' Class of Anti Aircraft Frigates were ordered for the Royal Navy in the 1950s, with HMS Leopard entering service in 1958. There were four ships in the class, these being HMS Leopard, Lynx, Puma and Jaguar.

This model of HMS Puma is based on the HMS Leopard kit, but with alternative parts allowing the model to be built as the ships were, in their modernised form, with the plated in main mast and larger radar antennas.

Kit consists of resin and white metal parts with photo-etched brass details.

Decals Included for all four ships of the Class

Can be made as a full hulled or waterline model.

Price £85.95 GB Pounds plus postage

Now Available

ATK 35004  HMS Glamorgan   County Class Destroyer  1978

The County Class Destroyers were built for the Royal Navy during the 1960's and were the largest destroyers to have been classed as such. This was due to the ships being designed around the Sea Slug Anti Aircraft Missile system, with the large girder work of the launcher being mounted on the stern. There were eight ships in the class HMS Devonshire being the first, followed by Hampshire, Kent, London, Antrim, Glamorgan, Fife and Norfolk.

Kit consists of resin and white metal parts with photo-etched brass details.

Decals Included for all the ships in the class.

Can be made as a full hulled or waterline model.

Price £186.95  GBP plus postage.  

Now Available

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ATK 35005   HMS Leeds Castle    Off Shore Patrol Vessel  1982 - 2005

HMS Leeds Castle and HMS Dumbarton Castle were introduced into Royal Navy service in 1982. Initially meant to replace the Island Class Patrol Craft on Fishery Protection duties, they started their careers in the South Atlantic during the Falklands Campaign. Since then they were modified to be able to continue service around the Falkland Islands as well as their duties in home waters.

Kit consists of resin and white metal parts with photo-etched brass details.

Decals Included for both ships in the class.

Can be made as a full hulled or waterline model.

Normal Price £?????  GB Pounds plus postage

Temporarily Out of Stock

ATK 35006       HMS Cleopatra    Leander Class Frigate  1970

The Leander Class Frigates were the most numerous class of ships the Royal Navy has had since WW2, there being a total of 26 accepted into service between 1962 and 1972.

All the ships of the class were originally fitted with the twin 4.5" Mk6 gun turret in front of the forward superstructure and decals are included in the kit so that all the ships of the class can be modelled in their original fit.

Kit consists of resin and white metal parts with photo-etched brass details.

Decals Included for all ships in the class.

Can be made as a full hulled or waterline model.

Price £110.95 GB Pounds plus postage.

Now Available

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ATK 35007       HMS Nurton    Ton Class Minehunter   1985

HMS Nurton was the last operational TON class in the Royal Navy. She was converted to a Mine Hunter during the 1960s incorporating sonar and electronic detection equipment to enhance the mine clearance role. These ships were built mainly of wood and low magnetic materials so as to enable the clearance of magnetic mines safely and the use of the Deltic diesel engines to reduce the noise signature.

Kit consists of resin and white metal parts with photo-etched brass details.

Decals Included for most ships in the class.

Can be made as a full hulled or waterline model.

Price £45.50  plus postage   Now Available

ATK 35008      HMS Zulu    Type 81  Tribal Class Frigate 1975

HMS Zulu was one of 7 ships of the Type 81 or Tribal class Frigates that served the Royal Navy between 1961 and 1984. Two of the ships, HMS Ashanti and HMS Gurkha, were modified and fitted with Variable Depth Sonar on the stern. The parts for this assembly are included in the kit so that one of these two members of the class can be made as an alternative if desired.

Kit consists of resin and white metal parts with photo-etched brass details.

Decals Included for all ships in the class.

Can be made as a full hulled or waterline model.

Price £117.75 GB Pounds plus postage

Now Available

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ATK 35009      HMS Leander    IKARA Leander Class Frigate 1976

The Leander Class Frigates were the most numerous class of ships the Royal Navy has had since WW2, there being a total of 26 accepted into service between 1962 and 1972.

From 1972 onwards the class was split into sub classes, with the first modifications being to convert 8 of the ships to Ikara Missile Anti Submarine vessels.

Kit consists of resin and white metal parts with photo-etched brass details.

Decals Included for all ships in the class.

Can be made as a full hulled or waterline model.

Price £118.95 GB Pounds plus postage.

Now Available

ATK 35010   HMS Hurworth Hunt Class Mine Countermeasures Vessel (MCMV)

The Hunt Class were at the time the largest vessels in the world constructed out of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) and combined the roles of Minesweepers and Mine Hunters into one state of the art vessel capable of detection and disposal.

The kit is made up from the original patterns made for WEM for the resin and metal parts, with the addition of totally new photo etched parts and also a small decal sheet.

Price  £62.50 plus postage    Now Available

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ATK 35011           HMS Arrow  Type 21 'Amazon' Class Frigate 1980

The Type 21 Frigates were designed as a private venture by Vosper Thornycroft during the late 1960s and were a derivative of their export designs of fast frigates and corvettes. The Royal Navy purchased 8 ships of the Type 21 class to fill a gap left by the withdrawl of some of the older frigates from the fleet.

Kit consists of resin and white metal parts with photo-etched brass details.

Decals Included for all ships in the class. Can be made as a full hulled or waterline model.

Price £129.95 GB Pounds plus postage.

Now Available

ATK 35012           HMS Newcastle  'Type 42' Destroyer

The Type 42 Destroyer was designed using lessons gained from the larger Type 82 HMS Bristol, and incorporated most of the systems and weapons that had been tried and tested. HMS Newcastle was the third of the Batch 1 Type 42s to commission into Royal Navy service.  The kit contains parts to build any of the Batch 1 and 2 ships in their final years of service.

A decal sheet contains the names, pennant numbers and deck codes for all the ships of the class. Can be built as a full hull or waterline model.

Price £152.75 GBP plus postage

Now Available

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ATK 35013           HMS Consort  CO Class Destroyer 1955

The Co Class Destroyer Flotilla was part of the C Class of the final Late War Emergency classes of vessels laid down and built during WW2. These ships were given an interim refit during the early 1950s in which they were fitted with Squid Anti Submarine Mortars, on a modified aft superstructure, to help fill the need for ASW escorts at the time.

The kit contains resin, white metal and photo etched parts to build one Co or CH class of

Destroyer as refitted during the 1950s. The kit includes a decal sheet of pennant numbers, ships names and funnel numbers. 

Can be built as a full hulled or waterline model.

Price £102.95  Plus Postage   Now Available

ATK 35014    HMS Amethyst  'Black Swan' Class Frigate  1949

HMS Amethyst was a Black Swan Class Frigate of the Royal Navy. She entered service in 1943 and saw action in the North Atlantic during WW2.  Her most famous encounter was to be after the war in 1949, in what came to be known as the Yangtse Incident. Whilst

transiting up river to Nanking, the PLA forces fired on her and caused serious damage and several casualties including her captain. The ship was held by the PLA for three months until, under command of Lt/Cdr Kerans she escaped to the open sea under cover of darkness on 30th July 1949. Her exploits were imortalised in the movie The Yangtse Incident. 

This kit can be built as a full hulled or waterline model. Contains Resin, Metal and Photo Etched Parts. Instructions and Decals are included.

Price £87.80  Plus Postage  Now Available

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ATK 35015           HMS Andromeda  (Sea Wolf Leander 1982)

HMS Andromeda was one of five of the Leander Class Frigates that were converted to be armed with the Sea Wolf missile system as a stop gap measure until the Type 22 Frigates came into service in sufficient numbers. This was the last and most potent version of the class, designed to provide a close escort to the fleets capital ships and close in air defense.

The kit includes resin and white metal parts, photo etched details and decals so that any of the five ships of the class can be modelled.

Can be built as a full hulled or waterline model.

Price £119.50 Plus Postage    Now Available

ATK 35017  HMS Boxer  (Type 22 Frigate (Early Batch 2)

This model of the Batch 2 Type 22 Frigate can be made as either HMS Boxer or HMS Beaver in their early configuration.  The first two Batch two ships were only streched amidships by having a section extended by some 40plus feet behind the bridge. The bow was extended and raked further forward, but the aft area remained the same as the Batch 1 ships.

The kit comes in resin and metal with a complete photo etched detail set and decals for the two early Batch 2 ships.

Price £163.95 Plus Postage   Now Available

ATK 35019    HMS Cumberland  (Type 22 Frigate (Batch 3)

The Ultimate Type 22 Frigate was the Batch 3, fitted out in the general purpose role

they were fitted with a 4.5" gun in the place of the Exocet launchers which in turn

were replaced by up to eight Harpoon launchers mounted in a modified upper superstructure. A Goalkeeper CIWS gun was fitted for point defense and later the ships RHIBs were re fitted on each side of the funnel. It also hade the newer 911 Fire Control radar system and the new underwater Bow Sonar.

The kit comes in resin and metal with a complete photo etched detail set and decals for the Batch 3 and Late Batch 2 ships.

Price £184.95  Plus Postage  Now Available

ATK 35016   HMS Broadsword (Type 22 Frigate  (Batch 1)  1982

HMS Broadsword was the first of the new class of Frigates designed to replace the Leander class of general purpose ships. An all missile armed ship soon displayed the need for a gun when deployed to the South Atlantic in 1982, though the new Sea Wolf system proved to be a useful anti aircraft weapon.

This model of the Batch 1 Type 22 Frigate can be made as either HMS Broadsword or HMS Battleaxe in their early configuration with the large funnel uptakes. The kit comes in resin and metal with a complete photo etched detail set and decals for all four Batch 1 ships. Can be built as a full hull or waterline model

Price £158.75  plus postage

Now Available

ATK 35018   HMS Brave  (Type 22 Frigate (Late Batch 2)

This model of the Batch 2 Type 22 Frigate can be made as HMSs Brave, London, Sheffield or Coventry. These Late Batch two ships were also stretched at the stern

to allow for an enlarged hangar and flight deck to operate the Sea King helicopter.

They also were fittedwith the newer 911 Fire Control radr system to improve fast moving target aquisition and tracking. 

The kit comes in resin and metal with a complete photo etched detail set and decals for the four later Batch 2 ships.

Price £172.95  Plus Postage     One Available

ATK 35020  HMS Relentless  Type 15  Frigate 

The Type 15 Frigates were conversions from the WW2 Emergency Class Destroyers

made to fill the need for fast anti submarine vessels.  These ships were introduced

to the fleet from 1951 and filled the role until replaced by the new Type 12 and

Leander class Frigates, the last being withdrawn in the early 1970s

The kit comes in resin and metal with a complete photo etched detail set and decals for all the ships of the class.

Price £84.95 Plus Postage  Now Available